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Final day of February

Hurray! We’ve made it through February at long last! Since it feels like we’ve gotten way more snow than in the past couple years (no idea if we really have though), I’m anxious to see some serious meltage and have those temps creep back up. Is it too much to hope that March 20th will be like last year when it was in the 80’s and we were out and about in shorts?

Matt and Hailey – March 2011


I gave myself another mental slap in the face. Every morning I fill up my 4 cup water bottle at work and then work on sipping it all through the day. Some rare days I drink it all and maybe 1/2 of a second fill up but yesterday… I think I drank maybe 1/4 of the bottle. Bad, bad Ali. I’ve tried adding flavored stevia, chopped up lemon wedges, tried cold, ice cold, and lukewarm, but I’m just not a water girl. That’s probably why I had two lovely bouts of kidney stones. I *need* to be consistently better about it. So today I’m going to be chug-a-lugging the H2O and try and get back on track.

Last night we whipped together another quick & easy dinner.


I dredged some chicken tenders in egg and then coated in a mixture of almond flour, salt, pepper, garlic, italian seasoning, and parmesan. Basically any spice in the cupboard that looked good.

I’ve made similar chicken using chopped nuts and have loved it but this was the first time I used almond flour and I definitely recommend it. The spices were plentiful and the fine almond grind made it really seem like you were using a traditional bread crumb. Served alongside a generous helping of broccoli.


Now that the end of Winter is in sight, I’ve been thinking more and more about my annual 5K training. The most successful year I ever had, with the fastest time, I started early and went through a modified couch to 5k training program. I’m heavier this year and can’t seem to budge the scale in either direction, but I think ample walking, biking, and c25k training might be really good. I can’t wait to be done with this semester so I can have all my nights free and plan some kind of program.

What about all of you, what fitness activity are you dying to get started with?

7 Responses

  1. One can only hope the weather will be like last year. That was an amazing March.
    I have a horrible feeling though it’ll be the opposite, and we’ll be stuck with snow and cold weather for a while longer… I do hope I am wrong.
    I am ‘dying’ to get ANY fitness activity started!! I did just start a beginners running program last week and some leg/arm workouts. I did it alternate days – for two days… then I missed three days. The joys of having kids and not having any time to get it done! Hopefully little man will soon get on a better schedule and I can workout once again while they both nap.

  2. I am dying to get my bike out. Bet you aren’t surprised about that LOL! My goal is to get it outside in March. 50 degrees and I am going to be out there, rain or shine. Okay, maybe not rain…

  3. I can’t wait to walk the dogs and not have everyone covered in salt, dirt, sand, snow!

  4. Hope you stuck to your water chugging! I love chicken crusted in any nuts…great combo 🙂

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